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Writing III

agree or disagree

Some people believe that money is the key of happiness.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    It is often contended that having much money can bring people happiness. According to that statement, I strongly agree and consider that money is the most important thing about happiness.

    First of all, I think that money can buy everything, and people will be capable have all they desire. Although numerous people say money unable to buy happiness, on the other side, money allowed them to purchase fabulous things they require and effectuate contentment. Also, owning much money will guarantee people's satisfaction because people will encounter the most expensive experience. For instance, people will have an opportunity to enjoy visiting other countries with the best trip assistance and undergo a new adventure. For that reason, people with a large amount of money will have various things and services.

    Secondly, a high quantity of money will be allowed to create a new job and provide a possibility to other people for living their family. It is undeniable that allowing someone to work can earn our own satisfaction because it capable of supporting other people's family. Based on Badan Pusat Statistik, there were 29,12 million unemployed people in Indonesia in 2020, which means around 10% of people in Indonesia are jobless. Furthermore, a wealthy person has the potential to contribute a scholarship to multiple students while helping to continue their education at a high level. As evidence, Jusuf Kalla has a scholarship program to support undergraduate and postgraduate students constrained by costs. Thus, a great deal of money will prosper the lives of many people.

    To summarize, I entirely agree that money is the fundamental point of happiness because it enables having different things also helps many people. (275 words)


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