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Advantages/Disadvantages Writing Task 2 IELTS

Designed by: macrovector

Online learning is a solution during the pandemic COVID-19.
What are the advantages and disadvantages online learning.

    In last year, the educational system switches to an online system and provides some advantages, on the other side it has certain drawbacks. This essay will analyze the benefits and disadvantages of online learning in the pandemic situation.

    The online learning system is able to reduce the spreading of COVID-19 and maintain the learning process during the pandemic. Although we already have a vaccine, the spreading of the plague is still unpredictable. In South Sulawesi, there are around 30.000 cases since the vaccine injects the first time on 13th January to May, and the government has to manage the population protected. Giving the policy to study at home is one of the solutions to end the chain of the disease. Furthermore, the online learning process is a well-known method of the learning program. Some teachers, especially in elementary school, are confused about monitoring their students when applying project-based learning because they require some practices to comprehend and match with the students. 

    However, the online learning method also has disadvantages like the deficiency of facilities and decreasing interest of students. The facilities are essential to support the students in studying. Many students in Indonesia, especially in the lower to middle range of the economy, are not able to learn effectively because constrained with the smartphone and the internet connection. Moreover, the atmosphere of online learning is a far cry from the offline learning process. The students will difficult to get focus because of the noisy sounds around them. In my opinion, online learning is not the answer to the problems during the pandemic situation.

    To conclude, many people believe the online learning method has advantages like reducing the cases of COVID-19 and known by many teachers, but it can reduce student's interest also some students have few facilities. I believe that the government has another solution to the learning process during the pandemic. (312 words)


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